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12������������ ��������������� ��������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� Stress, Anxiety, Excitement p.7


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* 12 Stress, Anxiety, Excitement (p.7 of 9)


12.27�� When you want to make the best of a bad situation


Make the best of it.�� Listen�� A �Try to get the most in an unfavorable situation.��� <�It�s so hard to work at this company.� � �Make the best of it. Get experience and make useful contacts.�>

It�s the best I can do under the circumstances.�� Listen�� <My sister bandaged my wounded arm and said, �It�s the best I can do under the circumstances. I need to take you to a hospital.�>

I wish I could do more.�� Listen�� <�Well, we failed to repair my bicycle. Anyway, thank you for your help.� � �I wish I could do more. I wish I had my tools with me.�>

Something is better than nothing.�� Listen�� A �At least you got something.��� <�At least I made money on the deal. Something is better than nothing.�>

It�s for the best.�� Listen�� A �It is still more or less okay in spite of the way it looks.��� <�I didn�t buy the house I wanted.� � �It�s for the best. You couldn�t afford it anyway.�>

It�s all for the best.�� Listen�� <�So, your girlfriend dumped you? It�s all for the best. Now you can concentrate upon your study.�>

It was just one of those things.�� Listen�� A �It was just one of those unlucky, unavoidable events that in the end even turned out to play a positive role.��� <�My great-grandfather got seriously sick and missed his trip on a boat. No one was to blame, of course. It was just one of those things. The name of the boat was Titanic.�>

You need to count your blessings.   Listen   A “You need to be grateful for the small advantages you still have in your difficult situation.”   <“You got injured in the accident, but you are alive. You need to count your blessings.”>

Be thankful for small blessings.�� Listen�� <�The times are tough, but you can pay your bills. Be thankful for small blessings.�>

The important thing is that you learn from your mistakes.�� Listen�� <�I lost a lot of money trying to get out of that mess.� � �The important thing is that you learn from your mistakes. You will never get into such a mess again.�>

The important thing is that you are alive.�� Listen�� <�I got into a really bad accident. My car is a wreck.� � �The important thing is that you�re alive.�>

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12.28�� When you cannot help in a situation


What am I supposed to do about it?�� Listen�� <�The car got stalled. Do something!� � �What am I supposed to do about it? I�m not a mechanic.�>

What do you want me to do about it?   Listen   <“Son, why don’t you get a job?” – “Mother, nobody wants to hire me. What do you want me to do about it?”>

What do you expect me to do in this situation?�� Listen�� <�Yes, dear, our son who is a college student wants to get married. And our daughter who is only nineteen is pregnant. What do you expect me to do in this situation?�>

What else can I do?�� Listen�� A �Is there anything else I can do to help in this situation?��� <�Did you give the patient all the medicine prescribed?� � �Yes, I did. What else can I do?�>

There�s nothing I can do.�� Listen�� <�We�re losing money on this unwise investment.� � �There�s nothing I can do. Next time we have to think twice before investing.�>

This situation is beyond me.�� Listen�� <�Our company is going under. We lost competition. This situation is beyond me.�>

This situation is more than I can handle.�� Listen�� <�Can you call upon your friends in Washington? Without their political support we can lose local elections.� � �This situation is more than I can handle. Even support from Washington won�t bring us local votes.�>

I can�t help it.�� Listen�� A �Unfortunately, I can�t help in this situation.��� <�I wish your sister didn�t smoke.� � �I can�t help it. I wish she didn�t either.�>

It can�t be helped.�� Listen�� A �Unfortunately, nothing can help in this situation.��� <�My rose bush looks dead.� � �It can�t be helped. The current drought killed many plants in the garden.�>

I would if I could, but I can�t.�� Listen�� A �I want to help in this situation, but I can�t.��� <�We are losing this game. Can you do anything?� � �I would if I could, but I can�t. Our opponents are too strong.�>

My hands are tied.�� Listen�� A �I am not free to act as I please.��� <�I�m sorry. This situation is more than I can handle. My hands are tied.�>

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12.29�� When you don�t know what to say


I don�t know what to say.�� Listen�� A �I don�t have any idea what I can say.��� <�Why did you do such a silly thing?� � �I don�t know what to say.�>

I have nothing to say.�� Listen�� <�How could it happen? You were there. Tell me!� � �I have nothing to say.�>

I have nothing to add.�� Listen�� <�Why did you do such a dumb thing?� � �I just did. I have nothing to add.�>

I�m speechless.�� Listen�� A �I am so surprised I don�t know what to say.��� <�They abandoned attempts to find the lost crew.� � �I�m speechless. How can they do that?�>

I have no response.�� Listen�� <�Why has the commanding officer decided to abort the rescue mission?� � �I�m not fully aware of all the details. I have no response.�>

I�m lost for words.�� Listen�� A �I am so surprised I am unable to say anything.��� <�It all has happened so suddenly. I�m lost for words.�>

I�m at a loss for words.�� Listen�� <�Why is she so rude to me?� � �I don�t know. I�m at a loss for words.�>

What can I say?�� Listen�� A �I don�t have an explanation or excuse.��� <�Well, however awful, this is what happened. What can I say?�>

What can I tell you?�� Listen�� <�Do you remember any details of what happened that day? Do you have any recollections?� � �Please calm down. What can I tell you?�>

What do you want me to say?�� Listen�� <�How on Earth did you lose the car keys? We can�t get home now.� � �What do you want me to say? I�m sorry!�>

No comment.�� Listen�� A �I cannot comment on this subject.��� <�Did you smoke under the �No Smoke� sign?� � �No comment.�>

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12.30�� When you accept blame


I take the blame.�� Listen�� <�It is a bad investment. I take the blame.�>

I blame no one but myself.�� Listen�� <�I made a wrong decision. I blame no one but myself.�>

I take the responsibility.�� Listen�� <�It was my child who broke your window. I take the responsibility.�>

I take full responsibility.�� Listen�� <�My actions caused that accident. I take full responsibility.�>

I am fully responsible.�� Listen�� <�The right front tire blew up, and I lost control of my car. I am fully responsible for what happened afterwards.�>

I did it.�� Listen�� <�Do you remember when we were kids somebody broke a rosebush in front of our school, and then you found a rose bouquet on your doorsteps?� � �Hardly. Why?� � �I did it.�>

I�m the one you�re looking for.�� Listen�� <�Hey, guys. Somebody brought a box of mineral water instead of beer. We don�t have a drop of beer in the entire camp anymore.� � �I�m the one you�re looking for.�>

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