Ñèñòåìà Orphus

16������������ ��������������� ��������������� ��������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� Particular Occasions p.1


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* 16 Particular Occasions (p.1 of 3)


16.1�� When you go to bed


I'm going to bed.�� Listen�� A �I am on my way to sleep.��� <�It�s late already, I�m going to bed.�>

I'm going to sleep.�� Listen�� <�Turn the light off, please. I�m going to sleep.�>

I'm off to bed.�� Listen�� <�I�m tired. I�m off to bed.�>

I'm going to crash.�� Listen�� A �I am going to fall asleep.��� < � �I�m too. See you in the morning.�>

I'm going night-night.�� Listen�� < � �Sweet dreams.�>

It's bedtime.�� Listen�� < � �Good night, then.�>

It's past my bed time.�� Listen�� < � �Sleep tight, don�t let the bedbugs bite.�>

I think I'll say good night now.�� Listen�� < � �Good night, sleep tight, don't let mosquitoes bite.�>

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16.2�� When you want to take a nap


I'm going to take a nap.�� Listen�� A �I am going to take a short sleep.��� <�I didn�t sleep well last night. I feel tired. I�m going to take a nap.�>

I am going to sleep for an hour.�� Listen�� <�It�s been a busy day today. I�m going to sleep for an hour.�>

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16.3�� When you listen to the radio


What station is this?�� Listen�� <�I like this music. What station is this?�>

Let's find a different station.�� Listen�� <�I don�t like this program. Let�s find a different station.�>

What do you want to hear?�� Listen�� < � �I like music.�>

Turn the radio up, please.�� Listen�� <�I can�t hear it. Turn the radio up, please.�>

Please turn the radio down.�� Listen�� <�It�s too loud. Please turn the radio down.�>

Turn the radio off.�� Listen�� <�This program is absolutely boring. I�m going to sleep. Turn the radio off.�>

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16.4�� When you watch television


What are you watching?�� Listen�� < � �Latest news.� >

What channel is this?�� Listen�� < � �A news channel.�>

What's on TV?�� Listen�� < � �A concert.�>

What's on tonight?�� Listen�� <� �A science fiction movie.�>

What's on channel eleven?�� Listen�� < � �A documentary.�>

Is this any good?�� Listen�� < � �Yes, I like it.�>

What do you want to watch?�� Listen�� < � �Let�s watch some movie.�>

Let's change the channel.�� Listen�� < � �OK. What do you want to watch?�>

Change the channel.�� Listen�� < � �Why? Don�t you like this show?�>

Hand me the remote control.�� Listen�� < � �OK. Find something entertaining.�>

Turn the TV up, please.�� Listen�� <�I want to hear this. Turn the TV up, please.�>

Turn the TV down.�� Listen�� <�This music is too loud. Turn the TV down.�>

Could you please turn it down?�� Listen�� <�I�m on the phone. Could you please turn it down?�>

Turn the TV off.�� Listen�� <�I haven�t seen such a boring show in my life. Turn the TV off.�>

Turn it off if you're not watching it.�� Listen�� <�Billy! Are you playing with your toys or watching TV? Turn it off if you�re not watching it.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



16.5�� When you hear good news


That's really good news.�� Listen�� <�The economy is turning around.� � �That�s really good news.�>

I'm glad to hear that.�� Listen�� <�My mother is still at the hospital, but she is doing better.� � �I�m glad to hear that.�>

That's great!�� Listen�� <�My sister is getting married in June.� � �That�s great! Congratulations.�>

That's wonderful!   Listen   <“Our nephew was accepted at a college.” – “That’s wonderful! He is a clever boy. I’ve always known that.”>

Listen to Entire Passage



16.6�� When you hear bad news


That's too bad.�� Listen�� A �That sounds very bad.��� <�I got fired.� � �That�s too bad. What are you going to do now?�>

That's really sad.�� Listen�� <�My grandmother died last week.� � �That�s really sad. She was a nice lady.�>

That's terrible.�� Listen�� <�I scratched the boss�s car in the company�s parking lot.� � �That�s terrible.�>

That's awful.�� Listen�� <�We went for a hike, and I hurt my foot.� � �That�s awful. Can I help you anyhow?�>

What a pity!�� Listen�� <�I couldn�t make it to my niece�s wedding.� � �What a pity! She wanted you to be there.�>

What a shame!�� Listen�� <�Unfortunately, the board of directors cancelled our project.� � �What a shame! The project was pretty promising.�>

I'm sorry to hear that.�� Listen�� <�My beloved dog died yesterday.� � �I�m sorry to hear that.�>

I'm sorry I asked.�� Listen�� A �Now that I know the answer, I am sorry I asked my question.��� <�How is your brother doing? How is his wife?� � �They broke up.� � �Oh� I�m sorry I asked.�>

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