Ñèñòåìà Orphus

7������������� ��������������� ��������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� ��������������� Negative Attitude p.3


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* 7 Negative Attitude in a Conversation (p.3 of 4)


7.10�� When you don�t like that a person is arguing with you


You�re just being difficult.�� Listen�� A �You are hard to convince, manage, please, deal with���� <�Mother, I don�t want to go to school anymore.� � �Johnny, you�re just being difficult.�>

You�re being contrary.�� Listen�� A �You are resistant to persuasion, logic, guidance���� <�I don�t need your advice. I don�t need your help. I don�t need anything from you.� � �Mary, you�re being contrary.�>

You�re arguing for the sake of arguing.�� Listen�� A �You are arguing just to be difficult or contrary.��� <�I don�t think there is an issue here. You�re arguing for the sake of arguing.�>

You�re disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.�� Listen�� <�I guess you don�t really have anything to say. You are disagreeing for the sake of disagreeing.�>

You�re disagreeing to disagree.�� Listen�� <�Here you go again. You are disagreeing to disagree.>

You just like to hear yourself talk.�� Listen�� A �You like talking without paying attention if others like to listen to you.��� <�You don�t even understand what the problem is. You just like to hear yourself talk.�>

Don�t contradict me.�� Listen�� <�Enough of this foolishness! Don�t contradict me.�>

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7.11�� When you are angry at what a person is saying


Don�t you know anything?�� Listen�� <�Do you think I can ask her about her age?� � �Women don�t like personal questions. Don�t you know anything?�>

How could you be so stupid?�� Listen�� <�I decided to do nothing about the cut on my hand. It will heal naturally.� � �How could you be so stupid? You will end up with an infection.�>

Get your head out of the sand.�� Listen�� <�Our planet is abundant in resources.� � �Get your head out of the sand. We have almost depleted the planet�s resources.�>

You�re clueless.�� Listen�� A �You are totally unaware or uninformed.��� <�I think the situation is not as serious as it appears.� � �You are clueless. You don�t feel the gravity of the situation.�>

You�re without a clue.�� Listen�� <�The world economy is recovering.� � �You are without a clue. Most economists predict further trouble.�>

You don�t know up from down.�� Listen�� A �You are confused.��� <�Are you aware that according to some scientific data the Earth is round?� � �You don�t know up from down. The Earth is flat.�>

You don�t know which end is up.�� Listen�� <�Why don�t you shut up? You didn�t need to drink so much. I�ll talk with you when you sober up. Right now, you don�t know which end is up.�>

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7.12�� When you believe that the speaker is trying to fool you


Whom do you think you�re kidding?�� Listen�� A �Do you think you are trying to fool an inexperienced person?��� <�This is an authentic Picasso.� � �Whom do you think you�re kidding? In the best case this is a copy of a copy.�>

Whom do you think you�re talking to?�� Listen�� A �Do you think you are talking to an inexperienced person?��� <�Look, I�m giving you a dollar. And in a year you will return me two dollars. It�s a good deal for you!� � �Do you want to charge me a hundred percent interest? Whom do you think you are talking to?�>

How stupid do you think I am?�� Listen�� <�You call it real gold? How stupid do you think I am?�>

Do you think I was born yesterday?�� Listen�� <�At our restaurant we carry only vintage wines.� � �Do you think I was born yesterday? What you gave me was a cheap imitation.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



7.13�� When you demonstrate ignorance or unawareness


I don�t know.�� Listen�� <�Where are the car keys?� � �I don�t know. Where did you put them?�>

I don�t know and I don�t care.�� Listen�� <�Do you know that tropical frogs are dying?� � �I don�t know and I don�t care.�>

I don�t have a clue.�� Listen�� <�Do you know where I left my glasses?� � �Don�t ask me. I don�t have a clue.�>

I�m clueless.�� Listen�� <�How do we get there?� � �I am clueless. I thought you would know.�>

I have no idea.�� Listen�� <�Where is my suitcase?� � �I have no idea. Where did you leave it?�>

I don�t have the faintest idea.�� Listen�� <�So, son. You lost your job and you don�t have any money. What are you going to do now?� � �I don�t have the faintest idea, dad.�>

I don�t have the foggiest notion.�� Listen�� <�How do we get out of here?� � �I don�t have the foggiest notion.�>

How would I know? ��Listen�� A �Why would you expect me to know?��� <�Where is my wallet?� � �How would I know? You usually hide it from me.�>

How should I know?�� Listen�� A �Why should I be expected to know?��� <�Why are some wasps called �yellow jackets�?� � �How should I know? Look it up in some zoology book.�>

How the heck should I know?�� Listen�� <�Who�s going to win the elections?� � �How the heck should I know? And why do you care?�>

Who knows?�� Listen�� A �I don�t know who knows, but I definitely don�t.��� <�When are we going to land?� � �Who knows? Ask the flight attendant, she might know.�>

God only knows.�� Listen�� A �Only God knows and nobody else.��� <�What�s going to happen now?� � �God only knows.�>

Heaven knows.�� Listen�� <�How long is this unexpected delay going to take us?� � �Heaven knows.�>

Your guess is as good as mine.�� Listen�� A �Your hypothesis is no worse than mine. I don�t really know.��� <�We have made two circles around the block. Where is the house?� � �Your guess is as good as mine. Let�s ask somebody.�>

It beats me.�� Listen�� A �Your question baffles me. I don�t know the answer to your question.��� <�What is the tallest mountain in North America?� � �It beats me.�>

You got me there.�� Listen�� A �Your question caught me unprepared. I don�t know the answer to your question.��� <�Can you recommend me a gift for my sister?� � �You got me there. I don�t have any idea.�>

You�ve got me stumped.�� Listen�� <�What is the longest river on the planet?� � �You�ve got me stumped. I just don�t know.�>

I can�t say for sure.�� Listen�� A �I don�t really know, so I can�t say with certainty.��� <�Is this a bus to Los Angeles?� � �I can�t say for sure. You better ask the driver.�>

There�s no way to tell.�� Listen�� A �I don�t know the relevant circumstances, therefore I can�t really tell you.��� <�When is our airplane arriving to the destination?� � �There�s no way to tell. Due to the thunderstorm, we are flying way off course.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



7.14�� When you demonstrate indifference


I don�t care.�� Listen�� A �It doesn�t matter to me.��� <�Do you want to go there by train or by bus?� � �I don�t care. Either way we�ll be there in one day.�>

I couldn�t care less.�� Listen�� A �I care very little.��� <�You�re late for work again! The boss will be furious.� � �I couldn�t care less. I am quitting this job anyway.�>

It really doesn�t matter to me.�� Listen�� A �I don�t really care.��� <�Do we need to paint the house gray or yellow?� � �It really doesn�t matter to me.�>

It�s not important for me.�� Listen�� <�Do you want to go with me or stay here?� � �It�s not important to me. Either way.�>

It makes no difference to me.�� Listen�� A �I don�t care whichever way.��� <�Do you mind if we take a bus today? I don�t want to drive a car.� � �It makes no difference to me. Do you have a headache again?�>

Who cares?�� Listen�� A �Is there anybody who cares?��� <�You have a dirty spot on your white shirt.� � �Who cares? Nobody will pay attention.�>

I don�t give a damn.�� Listen�� A �I don�t care at all.��� <�Our company is doing poorer and poorer.� � �I don�t give a damn. I can�t be the only person concerned.�>

It�s up to you.�� Listen�� A �You choose.��� <�Will you go with me or wait for me here?� � �It�s up to you.�>

Whatever you prefer.�� Listen�� <�Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?� � �Whatever you prefer. I like them both.�>

Whatever.�� Listen�� A �Any one. I don�t care.��� <�Which shirt do you want to put on, yellow or brown?� � �Whatever.�>

Either way.�� Listen�� <�Do you want to fly there or drive?� � �Either way. I don�t have any preference.�>

Whichever way.�� Listen�� <�How do you want to deal with this situation? There may be several ways.� � �Whichever way. I�m chiefly concerned about the result, not the method.�>

What�s in it for me?�� Listen�� A �What is my benefit in this deal? Why do I need to care if I don�t benefit from it?��� <�Don�t you like this plan?� � �I don�t really care. What�s in it for me?�>

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