Ñèñòåìà Orphus

12������������ ��������������� ��������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� Stress, Anxiety, Excitement p.8


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* 12 Stress, Anxiety, Excitement (p.8 of 9)


12.31�� When you blame an unfavorable situation on fate


It�s fate.�� Listen�� A �You�ve got to accept things as they are.��� <�My grandmother died on the day when the war was over.� � �It�s fate.�>

It�s your fate.�� Listen�� <�I�ve never thought that I would move to another country.� � �It�s your fate.�>

It was fated to happen.�� Listen�� <�The housing market rose and then crashed in the matter of just few years.� � �It was fated to happen. Something like that had happened before.�>

It was destiny.�� Listen�� <�Last month, somebody stole my motorcycle from the garage.� � �It was destiny. Your garage is easy to get into.�>

It was destined to happen.�� Listen�� <�Our team lost the game.� � �It was destined to happen. They didn�t practice hard.�>

It was meant to be.�� Listen�� <�The local bridge fell in the river. A few people got injured.� � �It was meant to be. The bridge was old.�>

It�s the cruel hand of fate.�� Listen�� <�My parents got divorced after many years of living together.� � �It�s the cruel hand of fate. Some people don�t get along as they grow old.�>

It�s God�s will.�� Listen�� <�My grandfather died at the age of 99. He was a few months short of 100.� � �It�s God�s will.�>

It�s all in God�s hands.�� Listen�� <�Nights are unusually cold this week. I�m afraid my chrysanthemums will die.� � �It�s all in God�s hands.�>

It�s in the cards.�� Listen�� <�Everyone gets fired at least once in the lifetime. It�s in the cards.�>

It�s in the stars.�� Listen�� <�One can�t be successful all the time. What goes up must come down. It�s in the stars.�>

It�s karma.�� Listen�� <�The current recession will last for a few years more.� � �How can you be so sure?� � �It�s karma.�>

That�s how it goes.�� Listen�� A �That�s fate. That�s how it is.��� <�Some people lose, some people win. That�s how it goes.�>

That�s the way it goes.�� Listen�� <�Many investors lose their money at the stock market.� � �That�s the way it goes.�>

That�s the way the ball bounces.�� Listen�� <�My uncle lost his fortune during the Great Depression.� � �That�s the way the ball bounces.�>

That�s the way the cookie crumbles.�� Listen�� <�Even invincible ships sink sometimes.� � �That�s the way the cookie crumbles.�>

That�s life.�� Listen�� A �That�s how it is in life.��� <�A new generation is replacing an old one.� � �That�s life.�>

That�s just how life is.�� Listen�� <�I�m disappointed with your negative response, but that�s just how life is.�>

Things happen for reasons we don�t understand.�� Listen�� A �We cannot always explain why certain things happen.��� <�Why me? Why am I punished?� � �Things happen for reasons we don�t understand.�>

Whatever will be, will be.�� Listen�� A �Events that are supposed to happen will inevitably take place.��� <�You don�t need to worry about the future too much. Whatever will be, will be.�>

Who am I to question?�� Listen�� A �I am not a right person to ask why the things are the way they are.��� <�I�ve been very sick for a long time. C�est la vie. Who am I to question?�>

You can�t fight it.�� Listen�� <�There is a housing crisis going on. Your home is depreciating, too. You can�t fight it.�>

Don�t fight it.�� Listen�� <�You can�t change anything in your situation. Don�t fight it.�>

Accept your fate.   Listen   ASubmit to what is unavoidable.”   <“One of my grandfathers died when he was 46. The other grandfather died at the age of 52. Maybe I will die young, too.” – “Accept your fate. Don’t think about such things.”>

Don�t ask why, just accept it.�� Listen�� <�I�m very sorry for your loss. Don�t ask why, just accept it.�>

Bite the bullet.�� Listen�� A �Accept an unpleasant thing and try to live with it.��� <�If you want to keep this job, you�ve got to make friends with the people at the office. Bite the bullet.�>

Roll with the punches.�� Listen�� A �Move in the direction life pushes you.��� <�I have so many problems at work�� � �Roll with the punches. It will be over sooner than you think.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.32�� When you don�t want to talk about an unpleasant subject


Never mind.�� Listen�� A �Forget it. Don�t worry about it.��� <�Damn it!� � �Did you say something?� � �No, never mind.�>

Skip it.�� Listen�� A �Forget it. Never mind.��� <�I might need your help tomorrow.� � �What did you say?� � �Oh, skip it. It�s not important.�>

Don�t ask.�� Listen�� A �You better don�t ask because you are not going to like the answer.��� <�So, how did your date go?� � �Oh, good heavens! Don�t ask.�>

You�ll be sorry you asked.�� Listen�� A �I won�t answer your question because you are not going to like my response.��� <�How did you eventually get rid of the teenagers who chased you?� � �You�ll be sorry you asked.�>

You don�t want to know it.�� Listen�� <�How much did you pay for your new bicycle?� � �You don�t want to know it.�>

Drop the subject.�� Listen�� A �Stop talking about it.��� <�So, how is your family life?� � �Drop the subject. I don�t want to discuss it.�>

I�m just thinking out loud.�� Listen�� A �I�ve said something, but I don�t want to continue.��� <�What do you want to say by that? Are you scolding me?� � �Oh, no. I�m just thinking out loud.�>

Forget it.�� Listen�� A �Don�t ever bring up this subject.��� <�Are you still seeing James?� � �Forget it. We broke up.� � �I�m sorry I asked.�>

Next question.�� Listen�� A �I don�t want to discuss it further, so let us move on to a next question.��� <�So, are you going to Mexico this summer?� � �I don�t know if I have a vacation this summer, yet. Next question.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.33�� When you are outraged with a situation


This is outrageous!�� Listen�� <�Look at these prices. This is outrageous!�>

This is ridiculous!�� Listen�� <�You call it justice? This is ridiculous!�>

This is unreal!�� Listen�� A �No, it�s not happening!��� <�Look what�s happening in the labor market. This is unreal! Why isn�t the government doing anything about it?�>

Unbelievable!�� Listen�� <�They cancelled our flight for the second time. Unbelievable!�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.34�� When you like a situation


Very good!�� Listen�� <�Mother, I bought all the ingredients you had ordered.� � �Very good! I�ll cook an apple pie tonight.�>

Perfect!�� Listen�� <�All the members of the board are present. We can start our meeting.� � �Perfect! Let�s begin.�>

Excellent!�� Listen�� <�Our team has won again!� � �Excellent!� Now, we are one step closer to the finals.�>

Brilliant!�� Listen�� <�Our technicians found a solution to the problem.� � �Brilliant! Let�s move on with our project.�>

Great!�� Listen�� <�I got the tickets for tonight.� � �Great! I�ve always wanted to hear this singer.�>

Flawless!�� Listen�� <�Our partners have finished their job. Now, we are on our way to success.� � �Flawless!�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.35�� When a situation is favorable to a person


Good for you!�� Listen�� A �This situation is good for you.��� <�I just got promoted!� � �Good for you! You deserve it.�>

Lucky you!�� Listen�� <�Lucky you! All your dreams have eventually come true.�>

Lucky for you.�� Listen�� <�Lucky for you, I have Bill�s phone number. Call him now if you want.�>

You�ve got lucky.�� Listen�� <�I�m sorry I�m late for the meeting.� � �You�ve got lucky. The boss is late too, so we haven�t started yet.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.36�� When a situation appears suspiciously good


It�s too good to be true.�� Listen�� A �This situation is suspiciously good and therefore not likely to be true.��� <�Your information arouses suspicion. It�s too good to be true.�>

What�s the catch?�� Listen�� A �This situation is suspiciously good, so it may contain a hidden drawback.��� <�Okay, you may have this money.� � �What�s the catch?� � �There is no catch. This money is a loan, not a gift.�>

Listen to Entire Passage



12.37�� When you regret about something after the fact


It�s easy to be wise after the event.�� Listen�� <�Now I know I shouldn�t have done that.� � �Well, it�s easy to be wise after the event.�>

I should have known.�� Listen�� A �I should have known what would happen. I should have predicted consequences.��� <�Things aren�t going the way I expected. I should have known.�>

I should have known better.�� Listen�� <�You are suffering because of my unwise actions. I�m sorry. I should have known better.�>

If I had only known then what I know now.�� Listen�� A �If I had only known then what I know now, I wouldn�t have done that.��� <�To buy that stock a year ago was a mistake. If I had only known then what I know now�>

If I knew then what I know now.�� Listen�� <�I lost a lot of money on that unfortunate investment. If I knew then what I know now��>

If I could only turn back the clock.�� Listen�� <�If I hadn�t driven my car in the storm, I wouldn�t have gotten into an accident. If I could only turn back the clock.�>

There you are.�� Listen�� A �You are brought to this result by your own actions or by uncontrollable circumstances.��� (Here you may be impersonal and mean one)�� <�I was not supposed to do that. It cost me dearly. You see, you make one mistake, and there you are.�>

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