Ñèñòåìà Orphus

28������������ ��������������� ��������������� Everyday Conversational Expressions���������� ��������������� ��������������� Job Situations p.3


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* 28 Job Situations (p.3 of 3)


28.16�� When you promise to take care of an issue


I'll do it.�� Listen�� <�Our partners are asking us to prepare a draft contract.� � �I�ll do it.�>

I'm on it.�� Listen�� A �I am in the process of getting it done.��� <�We�ve got to solve this problem.� � �I�m on it.�>

Leave it to me.   Listen   A “I will take care of it.”   <“We received a technical question from our customer. We need to respond somehow.” – “Leave it to me.”>

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28.17�� When you order an employee to take care of an issue


Get it done.�� Listen�� A �We have had enough discussions, now complete the task.��� <�You�ve got to present your proposal tomorrow. Get it done.�>

Just do it.�� Listen�� <�We�ve lost electric power. Go to the basement and turn on the generator.� � �Are you sure it will help?� � �Just do it.�>

You heard me.�� Listen�� A �You heard my instruction, now follow it without further argument.��� <�We have to complete the job on time. Put your nose to the grindstone, guys.� ��There might not be enough time�� � �You heard me.�>

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28.18�� When you don't approve the course of actions


That won't work.�� Listen�� <�Our project is funded insufficiently. And we still have much to do. We are running on empty. That won�t work. We need better funding.�>

It's not going to work.�� Listen�� <�Your plan is ill-conceived. It�s not going to work.�>

It doesn't stand a chance.�� Listen�� A �It does not have a chance of success.��� <�Do you want me to spend my time and money on your whimsical idea? It doesn�t stand a chance.�>

It doesn't stand a snowball's chance in hell.�� Listen�� <�If government funding is withdrawn, our project is doomed. It doesn�t stand a snowball�s chance in hell.�>

We are wasting our time.�� Listen�� A �We are not getting anywhere with this.��� <�This ill-advised scheme can�t succeed. We are wasting our time.>

We are wasting our effort.�� Listen�� <�I think we need to cease our attempts to solve the problem by conventional methods. We are wasting our effort. We need a fresh approach.�>

We are wasting our energy.�� Listen�� <�The boss will never approve a plan like that. You call it bold? He�ll call it silly. We are wasting our energy.�>

We are just running around in circles.   Listen   A “We are moving chaotically and senselessly.”   <“We need to stop our aimless activity and get organized. We are just running around in circles.”>

We are spinning our wheels.�� Listen�� A �Our vehicle is not moving anywhere although its wheels are turning. We are stuck in a bog.��� <�We have been working on this problem for a year. We have accomplished nothing. We are spinning our wheels.�>

We are beating a dead horse.�� Listen�� A �We are trying to do what has already failed.��� <�In order to raise money for our project, we contacted several banks. We got turned down every time. Why do you think this time it will be different? We are beating a dead horse. We need private funding.�>

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28.19�� When you look for excuses


I'm doing the best I can.   Listen   <“This job could hardly be called excellent. You can do better than that.” – “I’m doing the best I can.”>

I'm doing my best.�� Listen�� <�When are we going to see some results?� � �I�m doing my best.�>

That's the way I was told to do it.   Listen   <“Why are you doing it this way? Odds are you are simply wasting material.” – “That’s the way I was told to do it.”>

That's the way I've always done it.�� Listen�� <�Do you think that�s the right way to do it?� � �That�s the way I�ve always done it.�>

I'm just following orders.�� Listen�� <�Do you know you could be criminally charged for doing that?� � �I�m just following orders.�>

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28.20�� When you recommend your colleague to end an unsuccessful task


Throw it away.�� Listen�� <�You are wasting your time. This plan is a failure. Throw it away.�>

Give it up.�� Listen�� A �Surrender, stop trying, don�t waste your time.��� <�Your analysis is inconclusive. It�s a way to nowhere. Give it up.�>

Dump it.�� Listen�� <�The odds are against you. It�s a losing idea. Dump it.�>

Trash it.�� Listen�� <�You�re building your theory on incorrect assumptions. You�re not going to succeed with it. Trash it.�>

Junk it.�� Listen�� <�Your proposal contradicts the basic principles of mechanics. That simply won�t work. Junk it.�>

Toss it.�� Listen�� <�Your method is lacking systematization. You�re just running around in circles. Toss it.�>

Finish it off.�� Listen�� <�You�ve already spent a good deal of time trying to prove your hypothesis. You�re spinning your wheels. Finish it off.�>

Get rid of it.�� Listen�� <�Your research is funded inadequately. It doesn�t stand a chance. Get rid of it.�>

Nip it in the bud.�� Listen�� A �Destroy it while it is still small.��� <�You�re wasting your energy on this project. Nip it in the bud.�>

Pull the plug on it.�� Listen�� <�The experimental model you are trying to build lacks solid theoretical foundation. All your results have been negative so far. Pull the plug on it.�>

Pull the rug out from under it.�� Listen�� <�Experimental facts don�t support your theoretical study. It�s not late to cancel it without damaging your reputation. Pull the rug out from under it.�>

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28.21�� When a project has been cancelled


The project went down the drain.�� Listen�� A �The project is cancelled and all our efforts are lost forever.��� <�They stopped financing our work. The project went down the drain.�>

Case is closed.�� Listen�� A �Cancellation is final.��� <�The commanding officer aborted this mission. Case is closed�.>

End of story.�� Listen�� A �There is nothing to discuss any more.��� <�Our initiative has failed. End of story.�>

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28.22�� When you end your job


Let's call it a day.�� Listen�� A �Let us end what we have been doing for the day.��� <�We have done all we could. Let�s call it a day.�>

It's time to call it a day.�� Listen�� A �It is time to quit for the day.��� <�We�ve been working all day. It�s time to call it a day.�>

Let's call it a night.�� Listen�� <�We have been working till 10pm. I�m tired. Let�s call it a night.�>

Let's call it quits.�� Listen�� <�It�s getting dark. We can�t work anymore. Let�s call it quits.�>

So much for that.�� Listen�� A �I have been dealing with it long enough and now I am about to stop.��� <�I�ve been planting roses all day. My hands are scratched all over. So much for that.�>

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28.23�� When you start a task over again


It's time to start over from scratch.�� Listen�� <�We received new funding. It�s time to start over from scratch.�>

We're back to square one.   Listen   AWe have returned to the starting point.”   <“In our attempts to solve the problem we have exhausted all our resources. We are back to square one.”>

We're back to basics.�� Listen�� A �We have returned to essentials.��� <�We failed to achieve practical results of any significance. We are back to basics.�>

We're back to the drawing board.�� Listen�� <�Field testing of our new product revealed numerous errors and defects. We are back to the drawing board.�>

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28.24�� When you praise a person for doing a good job


I am very pleased with your work.�� Listen�� <When I showed the boss the contract signed by our business partners, he said, �You�ve done well. I�m very pleased with your work. We have to do lunch sometime.�>

Congratulations!�� Listen�� <�Well, I�m glad you have completed the project successfully. Congratulations!�>

Very impressive.�� Listen�� A �Your work impressed me.��� <The critic looked at the painting and told the artist, �Very impressive. You did a good job.�>

Very nice.�� Listen�� A �Your work looks very nice.��� <When the lady saw herself in the new dress, she told the tailor, �Very nice. I like it.�>

Nice job.�� Listen�� A �You have done it well.��� <At the end of the day, the department manager tallied up the total and told his sales associates, �Nice job, guys. Today�s sales amount is an all-time record.�>

Nice work.�� Listen�� <The teacher looked at the schoolboy�s homework and said, �Nice work. You see, you can do it when you try hard.�>

Good work.�� Listen�� <The mayor reviewed the new development and told the construction company�s representative, �Good work. Thanks to you, our city is growing at a fast pace.�>

Good job.�� Listen�� < � �Thank you, sir. Your appreciation means very much to me.�>

Keep up the good work.�� Listen�� A �Keep on doing good work.��� <The boss looked at my results and said, �Keep up the good work.�>

Keep it up!�� Listen�� <�Last year, we extended our business to Mexico and Canada.� � �Very good. Keep it up!�>

Well done!�� Listen�� <In the end of the month, the boss told the sales manager, �I like your style. Well done! I�ve never doubted you.�>

Bravo!�� Listen�� <At the end of the performance, the audience shouted, �Bravo!�>

That takes the cake!�� Listen�� A �This is so good it is worth the prize.��� <�Such a spectacular demonstration! You�ve done a wonderful job! That takes the cake!�>

You're something else!�� Listen�� A �You are different from others. You are very good at what you are doing!��� <�Your presentation was excellent. It exceeded everybody�s expectations. You are something else!�>

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28.25�� When you demonstrate your subjection to a more experienced colleague


You're the boss.�� Listen�� A �I submit to you and your experience.��� <�First, read the instruction manual carefully. Then, turn the machine on and get practical, firsthand experience with it.� � �Okay. You�re the boss.�>

You're the doctor.�� Listen�� <�Follow these instructions diligently.� � �Sure. You�re the doctor.�>

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28.26�� When you are going to reprimand an employee


I'd like to have a word with you.�� Listen�� < � �Okay. I need a minute to complete this job.�>

Can I see you in my office?�� Listen�� A �Can I talk to you in the privacy of my office?��� (used with can or may or could)�� <The boss told me, �Could I see you in my office? I need to talk with you about something.�>

I'll see you in my office in fifteen minutes.�� Listen�� A �I want to talk to you in the privacy of my office.��� < � �Yes, boss. I�ll be there.�>

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28.27�� When your colleague is late for work


You're late.�� Listen�� <�You are late. The meeting has already begun.�>

You're late again.�� Listen�� <�You are late again. The boss will be angry with you.�>

Why are you so late?�� Listen�� <�Why are you so late? It looks like you are never on time.�>

What took you so long?�� Listen�� <�What took you so long? Everyone is already in the conference room.�>

Try to be on time next time.�� Listen�� <�Try to be on time next time. We don�t need to look sloppy in the eyes of our business partners.�>

Better late than never.�� Listen�� A �You arrived late, but this is still better than your complete absence.��� <�Oh, you are finally here. Better late than never.�>

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28.28�� When you are not motivated by personal preferences


Don't take it personally.�� Listen�� A �Don�t interpret my words as directed against you personally.��� <�Don�t take it personally, but the boss is not happy about your late arrival at the business meeting.�>

Nothing personal, strictly business.�� Listen�� A �I am only concerned about business in an impersonal manner.��� <�Based on last year�s financial results, we have to downsize the company by eliminating jobs. Nothing personal, strictly business.�>

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